Saturday, 21 May 2011


More from the 'currently working on' section. Thought I'd show m take on a Mermaid. Well. My latest take. I've done some in the past that looked much... naughtier...


Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Busy Busy Bee...

Hi again.

Late again.

Been so busy lately. It's hard to keep the blogs and stuff up to date. To show 'something' at the very least I thought I'd do as I did last time and share an image from one of the books I'm working on.

This is an image of a cantankerous old 'wizard' who is pretty much an every day old geezer like you'd see sitting at any old bus stop, cafe or bowls court. The main difference being... well. I suppose you'll have to wait for the book to come out.

Catch ya later.
